Shocking News About Wine!
When Mom and Dad brought home a load of Cabernet Franc last month, I kept hearing them talk about bottle shock… What in the world?! The only thing I want to be shocking about the wine coming from Brix & Columns is how delicious it…

Traveling with Wine
You may have seen that one of our wines is taking a trip this week. I would love to vacation, but for some reason I always seem to get stuck at home instead. “You’re too big, Winston,” they say, or “Why don’t you stay home and guard…

Petit Manseng
If there is a wine that has been the talk of the tasting room lately, it is our Petit Manseng. I hear people talking about how delicious it is and how they have never heard of that varietal before. Fact be told, people are talking about…

Wine Diamonds!
Let it be known that an old dog can always learn new tricks! The other night, Mom and Dad had just popped open a bottle of our newest white wine, Petit Manseng, and I heard them start talking about the wine diamonds. What?! Diamonds…

Kerus Red Wine
Once you have realized that I am not a Holstein calf or a miniature horse, you don’t have to look very hard to see that I am a big, loving dog with a large, welcoming heart. Even with all of the loving and giving that I dole out at the…

Bud Break Bonanza!!!
You know what they say! It's a dog's life! I know I have it good, I've got a mom and dad who love me very much, I've got rolling hills of land to run around on, and I even have my own blog. You might think that it couldn't get better than that,…

The Benefits of Stainless Steel
Oh boy, oh boy, oh boy! I got so excited to tell you about our Rosé release that I completely forgot to do the final follow-up to my barrel series! The final type of barrel that I wanted to tell you about was the stainless steel barrel. Now…

Rosé All Day!!
When Mom and Dad came home from church on Sunday and had a dozen roses, I just knew they were for me. I had been such a good boy all weekend through all of our events, and at that moment I knew they had recognized my good behavior. Now I know…

French, European, and American – What Does It All Mean?
Although many dogs think that trees are good for only one or two things (mainly for making branches that can be carried and tossed), a sophisticated winery dog like me knows that trees have a very special place in our industry. In my last…

Intro to Barrels
I might be a silly dog sometimes, but even I am not so silly to think that wine barrels are just made for us vineyard dogs to sit on and look pretty. (Pictured above is Kelly from Windy Ridge Winery in Victoria, Australia) I’ve heard plenty…

Virginia Governor’s Cup
Mom and Dad are super excited about attending some wine gala in a few weeks. I took a peek at the invitation and saw that it was for the 2018 Virginia Governor's Cup. Now you know me and my research - I just couldn’t stand knowing about…

Virginia Governor’s Cup Wine Gala Recap
Yesterday was one for the books. Well, not for me really. I actually just got to mope around the house all day long missing my Mom and my Dad, expected to exist on food and water but no cuddles and nobody calling me a good boy. I was so…