Wine Capsules
Since I already told you about the bottles and corks that we use here at Brix & Columns, I figured the natural progression was to talk about the capsules on the tops of the bottles. That’s right folks, those pesky wrappings that you…

All About Corks
If your house is anything like mine, a few weeks ago you heard plenty of corks popping when the clock struck midnight - something about celebrating a new year. All the popping made me wonder what makes them make such a loud sound AND why are…

Bottle Basics
Man, oh, man! The youngest of my sisters (Emma) just got home and she has been wrapping up a storm. She hasn’t put labels on ALL of the gifts under the tree, yet, but I am almost certain that they are mostly for me. I have been a very…

Mulled Wine
It is my favorite time of year. Mom and Dad have put up our Christmas trees, there is a chill in the air, and each evening ends with me curled by the fireplace. The other evening, as I performed my usual sleepytime ritual of bringing my…

Six Penny Post Script
If you were ever looking for a glass of delicious, you will find it in a bottle of port-style wine. Take special notice of the “style” after the word port. Port is a style of wine that originated in Portugal. Traditionally made from…

Cabernet Franc
While not nearly as well known as its genetic offspring, Cabernet Sauvignon, Cabernet Franc has earned its own fame and with due cause. Established in the Libournais region of France, Cabernet Franc grapes were nurtured under an abbot named…

As one of the most widely grown grapes in the world, Chardonnay has a history as rich and varied as the wines that it produces. Propagated throughout France by the Cistercian monks, Chardonnay officially became a Burgundy grape when it was…

Petit Verdot
If you are anything like my human brother Taylor, your mouth will start to water at the mere mention of the wine: Petit Verdot. It has been his favorite since he first tried our lineup in the tasting room. It was one of the first varietals…

Winston here…. As I was loping through the vines yesterday, I started to think about how much I know about each of our varietals, and I decided I should write a few blogs telling you all the facts and quirks I know about the grapes we have…

It’s Harvest Time!
Oh boy, oh boy, we are right in the midst of my newest favorite time of the year: harvesting season! We might not have many vines that are producing grape bunches right now, but Mom and I have been practicing checking for all the signs of…

Vinifera v. Hybrid
Every evening, I get to go on one of my favorite adventures. Mom and I (and sometimes Dad) go walking across our property and through the vineyards. There are all sorts of delicious smells in the air from the creatures that I share Six Penny…

What Are These Brix, Anyway?
Welcome to my blog! My name is Winston and you may see me hanging out here at Brix and Columns as I am the winery dog. They even put me on the back of the bottle! I know a lot of you have the same questions about me, so I’d like to start…